"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters, compared to what lies within us." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Monday, June 22, 2015

My Life in Letters - Dear Children

Dear Children,
I'm writing to let you know that I am going on strike: that's right. I am no longer going to continuously pick your stuff up off the floor as I follow you around the house all day, before and after each meal and before bed.This includes the my daily routine of the following (to name a few): placing the footstool back in the bathroom 10 times, vacuuming three times, doing dishes 5 times, folding 3 loads of laundry, picking up pencils, placing toys in the basket, picking up food off the floor multiple times, turning the air conditioner back on 6 times, stacking books in the book basket multiple times, folding blankets 3 times, and more. You will now have to pick up your own clothes, and personal belongings off the floor (gasp!) and put away your own toys! In other words, you will follow the rules; rules we put in place a long time ago, and that we have just been too lazy to enforce. But, because your mom is tired, fried, and emotionally drained, things are going to have to change. 
I might not be homeschooling you (um, no thank you!) but if I'm going to be a stay-at-home mom, I plan to teach you something: the Golden Rule.  I plan on teaching you how to be good, responsible human beings, hopefully one day, good responsible adults. 
I want you to LOVE each other and RESPECT each other. I don't care if you LIKE each other, because I know that you won't all the time. Just work it out already! No pinching, kicking, hitting, hair pulling, biting, smacking, or shoving! And, here's something else: Yelling really only gets people's attention: it makes them hear you, not listen to you. If you really want someone to listen to you, yelling is not the way.
I really want to enjoy the summer with you. I want to take you places like the park, the pool, and the library without constant fighting and bickering. I want to have fun and make new memories with the three of you and Dad.
I'm not only going on strike because I'm worn out, but because I love you and want to you be good, happy, loving individuals. I feel the only way to help you learn this lessons, is to do a better job as your mom, and enforce the rules. Now, I'm not sure how long this strike will last. My goal is 5 days. Please bear with me, and try to do your best to help out and be good. Just remember, I'm not the maid, I'm your mom. 

Please clean your room. 

Love,  Mom  

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